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Nightsweats live @Sprout

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Datum & tijd:

March 18, 2023 ★ 7:30 pm ⭢ 11:55 pm





-Digital Hardcore/EBM/Industrial/Punk-
Nightsweats started out as a bedroom project in 2017. After the first show in 2019 more soon followed and by the end of the year a first tape was released followed by a full-length online release “Collisions” in the summer of 2021.
Coming from the hardcore punk scene, they combine that raw energy and DIY-spirit with the sinister and dark tones of eighties EBM and Industrial music.
Drawing inspiration from both older acts like Front 242 or Nitzer Ebb and new acts like Youth Code, King Yosef or Street Sects, Nightsweats brings their own blend of wavy industrial electronics. With desperate vocals, pulsating drummachines, heavy synths and lyrics that deal with topics like depression, angst, queer liberation and radical politics, few stones are left unturned, sometimes painstakingly so. These raw emotions fit right in with the atmosphere of the music and the gritty, diy recordings and live shows.

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